I have to write about the man. Really…I have to. I apologize in advance.
But seriously, the man is (might be?) a genius. His off-the-wall rants and general lack of care about his public persona is getting him ridiculous amounts of coverage in every aspect of the media. I won’t lie; I’ve watched and enjoyed more than one of his movies. The Rookie was great.
I never cared for Two and a Half Men, but I understand it has a huge following. I’m more of a King of Queens kind of guy myself (bring that show back CBS), but I digress.
The reason I threw in “might be a genius” is because I’m not sure where all this attention is going to take him. Is it going to be like when Gary Coleman went batshit crazy on everyone or will it pan out and make him another American Bad Boy? Colin Farrell seems to enjoy that role. As did Johnny Depp until he started making Disney movies.
But Sheen landing a reality show TV offer from my boy Mark Cuban days after all the ensuing madness shows that I think it will be the latter.
America loves controversy. No wait, we strive for controversy. It makes our days better to see a celebrity go nuts. We can say, “Wow, at least I’m not as mental as that Charlie Sheen guy!” And after we’re done knocking him for being insane, we watch an hour long interview on 20/20 with the guy.
So yes, I think he’s a public relations genius of sorts. Why are you hiring a social media person again, Sheen? You seem to have this mapped out pretty well in your “10,000 year old brain.”
Have you ever heard that there is no such thing as bad publicity? It’s kind of playing out here. I’d be willing to bet money that he’s going to get some (multiple) deals off this entire situation. And to top it off, maybe he’s right about some stuff.
His kids will think he’s the cool parent. It’s nice to know your mom or dad can’t judge you because they did the same things when they were your age. I guess it helps that he’s rich.
The early numbers say that he’s received over 74,000 applications to be his social media intern. SEVENTY-FOUR THOUSAND. If the caps weren’t enough to show you how many that is – it’s more people than the capital of Nevada.
He’s high on Charlie Sheen, I get it. Maybe his self-produced drug will someday run out, but for now, I have one question: Where can I get some?
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