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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Think For Yourself

Freshly inspired off the Maverick’s fourth quarter rally behind my boy Dirk, I felt like writing up a little something that irritates me about the sports world and really the world in general – lemmings.

No, I’m not talking about the strange, (falsely thought of) suicidal rodents. I’m talking about lemmings of the people variety. Everyone knows some. You know, those people that take everything an “expert” says as the gospel and use it as if it was their own thoughts.

People will generally believe anything someone says, even if they’re talking out of their ass. Case and point is this first round series between the Mavericks and the Trail Blazers.

Look, I’ll be the first person to admit that I was (and still am) scared of this first round matchup. I’d much rather face the suddenly David West-less Hornets or even the surging Nuggets. The fact is, the Trail Blazers match up well against my Mavericks.

But with that being said, I’d like to point out that people automatically jumping on the Portland bandwagon is irrational. Just because Jeff Caplan points out an upset alert doesn’t mean it’s going to come true.

Remember when the Earth was flat because experts said it was? Okay, I don’t either, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t popular thought.

How about that good ol’ geocentric model of the universe? I mean, come on, Ptolemy was a pretty smart feller.

Or what about when Christopher Columbus went to the Indies? Wait, what? Someone get that man a TomTom.

So my point is this: experts aren’t always right. Take that to the bank. They’re not. Actually, I’d be willing to bet they’re wrong just as often as they’re right. Especially Skip Bayless. That guy is perpetually wrong. And besides, I get 50/50 guesses right about…oh I’d say half the time, too!

So anyways, do me a favor. Do your friends a favor and most importantly, do the Mavericks a favor. Think for yourself and stop rooting for Dallas to fail because it’s a good upset pick that might make you look smart to your friends.

Oh yeah, and that's why Dirk is clutch for all you haters out there. Suck on 13 free throws in the fourth quarter.

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