So I hope by now everyone has seen the video from the White House Correspondents dinner where Obama mocks Trump a little bit after the birth certificate controversy.
Okay, now I want you to read the first sentence again and use air quotes when you get to the word controversy.
Donald Trump had to have been ignored as a child, because the man has been spewing the stupidest things I’ve heard from a presidential hopeful ever.
Maybe Mr. Trump should stick to firing Gary Busey from TV shows for a living – he seems to be awesome at that. *cue Conan “you’re fired” impression*
Don’t get me wrong, Americans have done strange things when it comes to politics – but this would probably take the cake. My parent’s generation elected Ronald Reagan, an actor, to the White House. Less than 15 years ago, Jesse “The Body” Ventura was elected as governor of Minnesota.
Hell, even this decade we elected another actor, this time of the Schwarzenegger variety, to be governor of one of the most powerful states in the U.S. Christ, what’s wrong with us? (To be fair, I think he was probably a better choice than Gary Coleman)
But Trump? I mean come on. The guy is a joke. Excuse the language, but called the Chinese people “motherfuckers” and said he’d levee a 25% tax on imports to magically solve all our problems. My hero!
But seriously, really man? I mean…really? I have no retort as your idiocy speaks for itself.
So what are we to do about this epidemic of unqualified people running for political office? I’m not sure, but I have an off-the-wall idea. How about an IQ test being administered before voting can be held? Maybe that would stave off the hordes of idiots that promote people like Trump.
And on a more personal note -- being a Donald myself -- you’re giving us a bad name Mr. Trump. You make me a sad panda.
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